4 hour FREE SCHOOLING DAY at the Balto Co Ag Center Ring!! 🌸 🌺 ☀️ 🪴
An Equestrian Waiver must be signed and returned to book your spot.
Please email baltcoagcenter@baltimoreountymd.gov for your waiver & return to that address. You can scan/email or even take a pic with your phone and return that way.
To request your time slot email: Natalie Bakhsh (natalieandbrad@comcast.net)
Times are limited – 45 minutes only – first come, first served! The schooling ends at 1:45pm.
There is a 6 horse max for each time slot.
*Please note: the Earth Day celebration will be taking place. There will be a lot of people, food, games and activities going on that day*